Eating Disorders

Your Body Is Not A Problem To Be Solved

I know society tells you differently.

I know every magazine, TV show and advertisement tells you differently.

I know every Instagram post in your feed tells you differently.

I know your friends, family, coworkers and strangers on the street tell you differently.

I know, more than anything else, that voice in your head tells you differently.

But let me tell you the truth today…

Come close, lean in, so you can really hear it…

Take a deep breath and let it sink in…


Your weight is not the issue.

The number on the scale or the tag in your jeans does not make you inadequate or insignificant.

No, it doesn’t hold that kind of power.

You are enough – loved – powerful – brilliant – wanted – significant – capable – worthy. And you deserve to take up space in this world.

JUST 👏🏽 AS 👏🏻 YOU 👏🏾 ARE 👏🏼

You have nothing to prove. To anyone.

And every message you see, read, hear or feel today that tells you otherwise is LYING.

That is the truth. The absolute, unequivocal, indisputable truth.

So, take a deep breath. Roll your shoulders back. Stretch out your arms. Bring your awareness to the sensations in your body.

Notice your feet on the floor. Notice your seat in the chair. Feel the breath in your lungs. Let that breath expand in your belly. Feel yourself taking up space.

And quietly remind yourself, I deserve this space. I belong here. I’m allowed to take up space.

And let that space speak these ever-important words into your spirit: I exist.

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