
Hi! I’m Mary. Or Ms. Howard. Or “Hey Miss!” Or “Uh, ma’am, I think you have some toilet paper stuck to your shoe.”

I once got locked in a bathroom at a coffee shop in Kentucky, and it took 4 firemen and an ax to get me out. And none of them were hot or single. But their ax was cool, and I got free coffee, so I guess it all worked out in the end.

I am many things: a writer, a student, a (soon-to-be-once-I-finally-finish-school) teacher, aspiring grown-up, unintentional loud-mouth, hardcore introvert, a 6 (I’m talking Enneagram here, not hotness scale), subtly charming troublemaker, habitual over-thinker, highly sensitive person, word nerd, prone to fits of uncontrollable laughter, book lover, truth teller, and anxious.

Oh, and now I guess I can add “poet” to that list. You can find my book here!

I write because that’s what I do. It’s how I process this big, scary, wild world we live in.

I can’t make many promises when it comes to this blog, but one promise I can make is this: I will be honest. And I will do my best to weave hope into my words.

And I also promise not to stand on my front porch in old holey (holy?) boxers singing old country songs at 9:30pm, which is what my neighbor is doing currently. You have my word.

Now it's your turn...I want to hear from you!